Exercise For People Over 50

This Chinese martial art that combines movement and relaxation is good for both mind and body. It is like a symphony of postures designed for people of all ages and fitness levels. 'It's particularly good for older people because balance is an important component of fitness, and balance is something we lose as we get older,' says Dr. Strength training is perfectly safe for women over 50, but there are a few tips you should know before getting started: Consult your doctor before dramatically changing your exercise regimen or if you have any pre-existing conditions or injuries. Start with baby steps. Let your body adapt to the exercise. When it comes to food and fitness after 50, you should follow the same guidelines as the general population. Certain nutrients are particularly beneficial. The Best Diet and Exercises for People Over 50 Livestrong.com. Exercises to Tone Buttocks for Older People. Getting older doesn't have to mean losing tone and function in your muscles, including your buttocks. But if you do not exercise, your muscle fibers decrease in size as you pass age 50, and you will lose muscle mass, power and strength.

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  4. Best Exercise For People Over 50

If you’re a man over 50 who wants to rediscover the physique and performance of your youth, this is the best gym workout routine for you.

There’s been a shift over the last few years.

It’s no longer the norm for men over 50 to slow down, stop lifting weights or become less active.

Instead, pioneers like Stallone, Chuck Norris and Schwarzenegger are leading the way with fit, fat free and muscular physiques.

It’s about time too.

And it’s time for you to get involved as well with this workout plan specifically designed to take you from your current condition to that of an athletic man in his prime in just a few weeks.

In this guide we tell you everything you need to know about using the gym to stay fit and active in your 50’s.

Exercise for people over 50 years old

If your goal is to drop body fat, enhance physical performance or just to improve the way you look and feel…

This is the best gym workout guide for you.

What does this program cover?

Goal:Fat loss, build muscle, increase fitness
Aimed at:Guys over 50
Program duration:8-12 weeks
Workout duration:45-60 minutes
Equipment needed:Barbell, dumbbell, resistance machines

Staying fit and active in your 50s

Statistics suggest that as you reach 50 your fitness level decreases.

Why? Because physical activity level takes a nosedive.

You don’t hit the gym as often as you used to and when you do, you don’t push yourself for fear of injury or overdoing it.

But it’s a chicken and egg scenario, because without working out regularly you’ll inevitably lose fitness. And if you lose fitness you’re less likely to visit the gym.

Most of the time it’s not your fault though.

A busy family life and a hectic career meant that those regular gym workouts you once loved slowly went by the wayside.

Now you’ve piled on a few pounds, don’t eat as well as you should do and you’re constantly stressed and tired.

But you’re here to change that!

You’ve cleared the toughest challenge – making the decision to get started. And now that your motivation is high, it’s time to make some positive changes.


  • Use strength training to build muscle and drop body fat
  • Improve stamina and endurance
  • Feel and look better with your best gym workout routine

Why Should Men Over 50 Strength Train?

Maybe you’re excited at the prospect of getting back in the gym and throwing some iron around once again. Or possibly, the thought of mixing it up with the younger guys leaves you concerned.

Either way, it’s strength training that forms the basis of this workout routine.

And it’s embracing the heavy stuff that will get you where you need to be – a lean guy over 50 who still gets those second glances and attention.

Inactivity can be a serious issue for long-term health

There’s no question that inactivity is a strong predictor of long-term health [1].

But research also shows that taking part in regular strength training increases health, helping you lower the risk of detrimental metabolic diseases such as diabetes and high cholesterol, as well as heart disease and cognitive disorders too [2].

It’s important to maintain muscle mass

One of the most important reasons you need to implement strength training is to maintain lean mass.

Not only does a lack of muscle show that you don’t work out; it can also affect your health and well-being too.

Significant muscle loss due to inactivity is called sarcopenia, and it’s a disorder affecting more and more guys over 50.

Without lifting weights, your muscle protein synthesis slows down. This simply refers to the rate at which your body can repair damaged tissue and build new muscle cells.

The result is a slow but progressive decline into weakness and lack of functional ability. Current research says that if you don’t strength train you can lose as much as 2% total lean mass each year after 50 years of age [3].

Ultimately, lifting weights on a regular basis helps to boost lean mass and protect functional ability. You’ll not only feel better, but look better too.

Gaining excess weight is common in older guys

Muscle mass is a metabolically active tissue.

Other than excess calorie intake, one of the main reasons why guys over 50 find that they pile on the fat pounds is that the loss of muscle mass from lack of strength training means that metabolic rate takes a nosedive.

It might be that you’re here because of a more gradual onset of belly fat. Or your starting point might be sarcopenic obesity – the combination of decreased muscle and older adult obesity.

Either way, gym workouts using strength training will help bring your metabolic rate to where it needs to be.

Not only that, but lifting weights is a great way to up your daily fat burning. That’s because it can enhance fat oxidation for up to 48 hours after a workout [4].

That’s a great way to keep your calorie burn ticking over at a faster rate.

Best Exercise Programs For People Over 50

Optimizing testosterone is the key to better health and performance

As you reach the age of 3o, your testosterone levels begin to decrease by around 1-2% per year.

This means that by the age of 50, as many as 40% of guys will be classed as having clinically low hormone levels [5].

Testosterone is your masculinity driver.

As your main natural anabolic hormone it’s responsible for ensuring you stay lean, maintain muscle and bone mass. It regulates your metabolic health, keeps you libido high and even helps you stay confident and assertive.

It’s what makes a man, a man.

When levels drop to what’s called hypogonadal concentrations, all kinds of side effects begin to creep in.

  • Loss of muscle mass
  • Loss of cardiovascular stamina, endurance, sex drive and libido
  • Increased adipose tissue, especially belly fat
  • Increased risk of metabolic diseases and even early death

But you’ll be pleased to know though that strength training has been shown to boost testosterone levels and go some way to reversing low T in men over 50 [6].

It’s just another reason why lifting weights benefits your body and your health.

[Related Article: Best Testosterone Boosters for Men Over 50]

10 Fitness Tips for Men over 50 to Stay in Shape

#1. Focus on strength training to maintain muscle mass

Keeping your muscles strong and lean helps to improve the way you look, your physical and functional abilities and also offsets natural muscle loss due to reduced testosterone and protein synthesis.

#2. Keep workouts short and sharp to optimize hormonal response

You’re a busy guy who hasn’t got the time to spend all day in the gym. Luckily, short and intense workouts have a more beneficial effect on anabolic hormones and strength.

#3. Don’t be afraid to lift heavy once you’ve nailed your technique

Once you’ve practiced each exercise and have the form mastered, start loading up! Remember, the key to functional muscle power after 50 is heavy weight lifting.

#4. Keep your day-to-day activity levels high

Supporting your strength workouts with regular activities throughout the day is the key to staying lean. Whether it’s walking, sports, fun activities or physical hobbies, do your best to move daily.

#5. Don’t skip the warm up

As those niggles and aches start to creep in it’s important that you keep your muscles, joints and connective tissues safe by preparing them properly before your workouts.

#6. Make sure you recover between gym workouts

The unfortunate inevitability about aging is that you can’t train all day, every day without suffering fatigue.


But with regular recovery days and clever training you’ll not need to.

#7. Don’t be afraid to push yourself

You get what you put in when it comes to the gym. And age is irrelevant. Push yourself and you’ll soon be rewarded by a stronger, fitter and leaner physique.

#8. Perform daily mobility drills

Support your gym workouts with 3-5 minute daily mobility drills. Whether it’s ankle circles, trunk twists or shoulder rolls – keeping supple is great for functional longevity.

#9. Make sure your diet supports your fitness goals

Focusing on a nutrient-rich diet and testosterone-boosting foods and supplements helps to keep your body working like a well-oiled machine.

#10. Build positive habits that support your goals

Creating a positive, balanced lifestyle of healthy habits that you’re able to adhere to is key to success. There’s no value in setting targets that are just not obtainable so make sure everything you want is within reach.

Exercise App For People Over 50

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Over 50’s Gym Workout Plan

The goal here is to boost muscle mass, enhance fitness and shred off any excess fat in 8-12 weeks.

This strength-based routine for men over 50 is your best gym workout opportunity yet to make some changes and throw away the rule book.


Don’t age gracefully; age aesthetically

The program is designed around a 3-day per week full-body gym workout schedule.

Muscle splits don’t work here as they emphasize single muscle annihilation too much. It’s a pretty old school way of training that really only maximizes muscle growth in those that can hit the gym multiple times per week.

But there’s a whole flood of research to suggest that full-body training is the way forward. Not just if you’re over 50, but for any athlete wanting to improve muscle conditioning in the gym.

Split your weekly volume over 3 sessions to make better progress

Here’s a scenario.

Science currently points out that hitting 10-12 sets per muscle group per week is a good way to boost muscle mass and improve conditioning.

Let’s say you wanted to use a split training approach and trained your chest on one day. You might throw in 4 different exercises for your pecs and do 3 sets on each.

And then you don’t train that muscle until the week after.

That’s 12 sets per week. Perfect volume for muscle growth.

Now let’s say you decide to do a full-body gym workout instead.

You put those same 4 exercises in, but split up over 3 separate sessions. You might do a chest press on one day and flyes on another for example.

As long as you still hit your 10-12 sets over the course of the week you’ll get the same growth.

And as a bonus you won’t suffer the extreme soreness that you get from split training either.

No more niggles and pains.

Only great results.

NumberSession 1Session 2Session 3
1DB Shoulder pressBB Front raiseLateral raise
2Leg press machineHack squat machineLeg extension
3Lat pulldownNeutral grip pulldownStraight arm pulldown / single arm pulldown
4Lying leg curlStanding calf raiseDB Deadlift
5Assisted dipsDB flyesIncline DB press
6Split squatGoblet squatDB step ups
7BB bicep curlDB triceps extension (skull crusher)EZ bar preacher curl
  1. Taylor, D. Physical activity is medicine for older adults. BMJ. 2013
  2. Martins, RA et al. Effects of aerobic and strength-based training on metabolic health indicators in older adults. Lipids Health Dis. 2010; 9: 76
  3. Von Haehling, S et al. An overview of sarcopenia: facts and numbers on prevalence and clinical impact. J Cachexia Sarcopenia Muscle. 2010; 1(2): 129-133
  4. Abboud, GJ et al. Effects of load-volume on EPOC after acute bouts of resistance training in resistance-trained men. J Strength Cond Res. 2013; 27(7): 1936-41
  5. Brawer, M. Testosterone replacement in men with andropause: an overview. 2004 Rev Urol. 6 (Suppl 6)
  6. Sato, K et al. Resistance training restores muscle sex steroid hormone steroidogenesis in older men. FASEB. 2014; 28(4): 1891-7
© (Getty Images) Senior woman exercising with weights.

Certain physical changes are an inevitable part of the aging process, like wrinkles and graying hair. Unfortunately, loss of muscle strength, balance, coordination and flexibility are on that list as well, and these physiological changes often begin when we're in our 50s.

Fortunately, these reductions in physical fitness can be delayed, mitigated or even reversed through the performance of a consistent physical-activity program. While the earlier you start the better, it's never too late to get moving. And a well-designed program can have profound effect on health, fitness and overall wellness as one grows older.

A well-rounded exercise program targets endurance, strength, balance and agility – and should have a direct correlation to the activities you perform in your daily life.

Aerobic Exercise

Any program should begin with 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise.

These can include:

  • Walking briskly.
  • Jogging.
  • Using a cardio machine.
  • Biking.
  • Swimming.
  • Dancing.

Gallery: This 4-Move Circuit Helps Burn Calories and Build Muscle, Using Just a Set of Dumbbells (PopSugar)

To test whether an exercise is 'moderate,' try talking as you work out. You should be able to talk, but not sing. If you can sing, the workout is too easy; if you can't talk, it's too intense.

One more note: Many people find that 150 number pretty intimidating, but it breaks down to 30 minutes of exercise five days per week. So, a brisk 15-minute walk after lunch and another after dinner is enough to yield important health benefits.

It's also essential that women over 50 focus on maintaining, or better yet, increasing their muscular strength and flexibility, especially in the lower body. Improved lower-body strength directly impacts walking speed, balance and fall prevention, all of which are critical as we move into our 60s and beyond.

Strength Training

In addition to targeting the legs (glutes, quads, hamstrings and calves), a whole-body strength-training regimen should target the chest, back, shoulders, biceps, triceps and core. Begin by performing one set of eight to 15 repetitions twice a week, then slowly progress to two or three sets during each workout.

Don't worry if these cardio and strength guidelines seem out of reach at the moment. The key is to get started. If you have to begin with five-minute walks and slowly build your stamina until you can reach that weekly 150 minutes goal, that's perfectly fine.

When it comes to the strength-training component, you can start with light weights or body-weight exercises, as long as you target each muscle group. Depending on the specific exercise movement, you can start with weights as low a few pounds and gradually increase. The goal is to find a weight that you can perform at least 8 repetitions but not more than 15. Adhere to the mantra of 'start low and go slow.'


Finally, don't neglect flexibility training. Daily light stretching can help maintain flexibility and range of motion in your joints. Yoga and Pilates are great choices, as they not only enhance flexibility, but also core strength, balance, stability and overall mobility.

Free Exercise For People Over 50 With Arthritis

Exercise, no matter the type or intensity, has countless benefits, from improving balance and decreasing the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and other chronic conditions to reducing the symptoms of depression and expanding your social circle. Just get moving as often as you can and find an activity or two that you enjoy. Having fun will exponentially increase the likelihood you'll stick with the program over the long haul.

Best Exercise For People Over 50

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